Monday 8 August 2011

10 tips for controlling distractions while driving

Distracted driving is any non-driving activity. A person who engages in that has the potential to distract himself or herself from driving and increases the risk of crashing.

Here are 10 tips for managing some of the most common distractions.

1. Turn it off :

Turn your phone off or switch to silent mode before you get in the car to avoid from distraction.

2. Spread the word :

Set up a special message to inform callers that you are driving and you’ll get back to them once you are free, or sign up for a service that offers this feature.

3. Pull over :

If you need to make a call, pull your car to a safer area first.

4. Use your passengers :

Get help from the passengers for making an immediate call.

5. Avoid Texting while driving :

Texting while driving is the most common distraction among all; It is highly dangerous and against the law in most states.

6. Know the law :

Get to know the proper state and local laws before you get in the car. Visit to know about the cellphone laws in detail.

7. Look for Maps and Directions :

Check for maps and directions before you start off to an unknown place. If you get into a confusion while driving means pull over to a safe place and review the map/directions again.

8. Secure your pets :

Pets can be a big distraction in the car. Always secure your pets properly before you start to drive.

9. Keep the kids safe :

Use proper seat belts for kids and if they do some mischievous means pull over to a safe location to address situations with your children in the car.

10. Focus on the task at hand :

While driving you must avoid smoking, eating, drinking, reading and any other activity that takes your mind and eyes off the road.

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